Interface IMXMLObject cannot be imported or found

Rafael Felisbino's Avatar

Rafael Felisbino

01 Jul, 2013 01:12 PM

I am developing one game with robotlegs 2 and i just faced with a strange problem, it says there is not IMXMLObject interface to be implemented inside ContextBuilderTag class of RobotLegs2.

I am using Intellij with air sdk 3.8 and pure action script with no flex component.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Ondina D.F. on 01 Jul, 2013 01:44 PM

    Ondina D.F.'s Avatar

    Hi Rafael,

    The ContextBuilderTag is meant to be used with Flex, inside the declaration tag:

    If you’re not using Flex, create the context like this:
    private var _context:IContext;
    private function createContext():void
        _context = new Context()
            .configure(AppConfig, new ContextView(this));


  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Ondina D.F. on 01 Jul, 2013 01:55 PM

    Ondina D.F.'s Avatar

    In the previous post I mistakenly wrote:
    private var _context:AppConfig;

    I corrected it:
    private var _context: IContext;


  3. 3 Posted by Rafael Felisbin... on 01 Jul, 2013 03:13 PM

    Rafael Felisbino's Avatar

    That´s not my problem, i am already creating my context like this. The thing is that i just cloned it and i got an error telling that there is no interface IMXMLObject at the package 'mx.core.IMXMLObject;'

    Here is the declaration of class "ContextBuilderTag":
    'package robotlegs.bender.mxml{'
    'public class ContextBuilderTag implements IMXMLObject{}}'

  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by Ondina D.F. on 01 Jul, 2013 04:25 PM

    Ondina D.F.'s Avatar

    Are you using the release build of rl2?

    Is it possible to paste the code where you create the context?

    Are other rl projects working as expected?

    Are you compiling against the rl’s source?

    I don’t know if there are Intellij specific settings regarding metadata that you might take under consideration. I’m using FlashBuilder.

    If that’s not it, then I have no idea what’s going on :)

  5. Support Staff 5 Posted by Shaun Smith on 01 Jul, 2013 04:57 PM

    Shaun Smith's Avatar

    The simplest solution is to use the official, released RL SWC from

    If you want to compile the source yourself you have to use the Flex compiler. Even though RL will work with plain AS3 projects, it has to be compiled with the Flex SDK.

  6. 6 Posted by Rafael Felisbin... on 02 Jul, 2013 05:35 AM

    Rafael Felisbino's Avatar

    i am now using only the swc and i dont get the error anymore.
    Maybe i was missing some libraries, i dont know, but now its ok and i am creating my context like this:

        _context=new Context().install(MVCSBundle,
                    .configure(ClassConfig, new ContextView(this));

  7. Support Staff 7 Posted by Ondina D.F. on 02 Jul, 2013 06:38 AM

    Ondina D.F.'s Avatar

    Rafael, it’s good to hear it’s working.
    I’m closing this for now. Feel free to reopen this discussion, if you're still having problems. Please open new threads for new issues.

  8. Ondina D.F. closed this discussion on 02 Jul, 2013 06:38 AM.

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