unmap and map again
I thought this would be simple but I get an error when I try to
re-map a view to a Mediator
In my config class
mediatorMap.map( GameOverView).toMediator(GameOverViewMediatorA );
Then in some command later:
mediatorMap.map( GameOverView).toMediator(GameOverViewMediatorB);
But it gives me the evil eye:
Error: [object TypeFilter] already mapped to [object
If you have overridden this mapping intentionally you can use
"unmap()" prior to your replacement mapping in order to avoid
seeing this message.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by creynders on 23 Jul, 2013 12:24 PM
I don't have the time to go bug-hunting but I can confirm it is a bug:
2 Posted by JeffW. on 23 Jul, 2013 12:56 PM
are you just getting a warning? Because I'm getting a warning and an error. Is there any other way to re-assign views to (other) mediators?
Support Staff 3 Posted by creynders on 23 Jul, 2013 01:13 PM
Hmmm, an error as well? Could you paste the stacktrace here?
4 Posted by JeffW. on 23 Jul, 2013 01:39 PM
Wasn't sure if you meant just the error output or the whole lot:
295 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object VigilanceExtension]
299 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object InjectableLoggerExtension]
300 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object ContextViewExtension]
300 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object EventDispatcherExtension]
301 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object ModularityExtension]
302 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object EventCommandMapExtension]
303 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object LocalEventMapExtension]
304 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object ViewManagerExtension]
305 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object StageObserverExtension]
306 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object MediatorMapExtension]
306 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object ViewProcessorMapExtension]
307 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object StageCrawlerExtension]
308 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object StageSyncExtension]
309 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ConfigManager] Not yet initialized. Queuing config class [class ContextViewListenerConfig]
309 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object SignalCommandMapBundle]
309 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension SignalCommandMapExtension-1-89
310 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ConfigManager] Not yet initialized. Queuing config class [class ShellConfig]
310 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ConfigManager] Not yet initialized. Queuing config class [class ModuleConnectorConfig]
310 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ConfigManager] Not yet initialized. Queuing config object [object ContextView]
311 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ContextViewExtension] Mapping [object Main] as contextView
311 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ModularityExtension] Context has a ViewManager. Configuring view manager based context existence watcher...
320 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ModularityExtension] Context configured to inherit. Broadcasting existence event...
321 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object StageSyncExtension] Context view is now on stage. Initializing context...
324 INFO Context-0-96 Context-0-96 Initializing...
332 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object StageObserverExtension] Creating genuine StageObserver Singleton
333 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ConfigManager] Now initializing. Instantiating config class [class ContextViewListenerConfig]
337 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ViewManagerBasedExistenceWatcher] Adding context existence event listener to container [object Main]
337 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ConfigManager] Now initializing. Instantiating config class [class ShellConfig]
344 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object MediatorMap] [object TypeFilter] mapped to [object MediatorMapping]
366 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ConfigManager] Now initializing. Instantiating config class [class ModuleConnectorConfig]
369 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ConfigManager] Now initializing. Injecting into config object [object ContextView]
370 INFO Context-0-96 Context-0-96 Initialize complete
370 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object StageCrawlerExtension] ViewManager is installed. Checking for managed containers...
370 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object StageCrawlerExtension] StageCrawler scanning container [object Main] ...
373 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object StageCrawlerExtension] StageCrawler finished scanning [object Main]
StartUpCommand execute NUM OF SCREENS: 1
[SWF] Main.swf - 1,237,444 bytes after decompression
ShellModel setCurrentTheme: numbers
ShellModel currentModule: module B
ShellView switchModule, add: module B
622 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ViewManagerBasedExistenceWatcher] Removing context existence event listener from container [object Main]
655 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ViewManagerBasedExistenceWatcher] Adding context existence event listener to container [object ModuleB]
655 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ViewManagerBasedExistenceWatcher] Adding context existence event listener to container [object ModuleB]
684 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object VigilanceExtension]
684 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object InjectableLoggerExtension]
684 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object ContextViewExtension]
684 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object EventDispatcherExtension]
685 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object ModularityExtension]
685 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object EventCommandMapExtension]
685 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object LocalEventMapExtension]
685 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object ViewManagerExtension]
685 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object StageObserverExtension]
686 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object MediatorMapExtension]
686 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object ViewProcessorMapExtension]
686 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object StageCrawlerExtension]
686 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object StageSyncExtension]
687 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ConfigManager] Not yet initialized. Queuing config class [class ContextViewListenerConfig]
687 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension [object SignalCommandMapBundle]
687 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ExtensionInstaller] Installing extension SignalCommandMapExtension-3-ae
688 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ConfigManager] Not yet initialized. Queuing config class [class ModuleBConfig]
688 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ConfigManager] Not yet initialized. Queuing config class [class ModuleConnectorConfig]
688 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ConfigManager] Not yet initialized. Queuing config object [object ContextView]
688 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ContextViewExtension] Mapping [object ModuleB] as contextView
688 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ModularityExtension] Context has a ViewManager. Configuring view manager based context existence watcher...
689 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ModularityExtension] Context configured to inherit. Broadcasting existence event...
689 DEBUG Context-0-96 [object ViewManagerBasedExistenceWatcher] Context existence event caught. Configuring child context Context-2-58
689 INFO Context-0-96 Context-0-96 Adding child context Context-2-58
689 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object StageSyncExtension] Context view is now on stage. Initializing context...
690 INFO Context-2-58 Context-2-58 Initializing...
690 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ConfigManager] Now initializing. Instantiating config class [class ContextViewListenerConfig]
691 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ViewManagerBasedExistenceWatcher] Adding context existence event listener to container [object ModuleB]
691 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ConfigManager] Now initializing. Instantiating config class [class ModuleBConfig]
692 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object MediatorMap] [object TypeFilter] mapped to [object MediatorMapping]
693 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object MediatorMap] [object TypeFilter] mapped to [object MediatorMapping]
694 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object MediatorMap] [object TypeFilter] mapped to [object MediatorMapping]
694 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object MediatorMap] [object TypeFilter] mapped to [object MediatorMapping]
694 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object MediatorMap] [object TypeFilter] mapped to [object MediatorMapping]
695 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object MediatorMap] [object TypeFilter] mapped to [object MediatorMapping]
695 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ConfigManager] Now initializing. Instantiating config class [class ModuleConnectorConfig]
ModuleConnectorConfig.configure() Module B
696 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object ConfigManager] Now initializing. Injecting into config object [object ContextView]
696 INFO Context-2-58 Context-2-58 Initialize complete
696 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object StageCrawlerExtension] ViewManager is installed. Checking for managed containers...
696 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object StageCrawlerExtension] StageCrawler scanning container [object ModuleB] ...
702 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object StageCrawlerExtension] StageCrawler finished scanning [object ModuleB]
ModuleBConfig init
MASTER RemapMediatorsCommand execute
704 DEBUG Context-2-58 [object MediatorMap] [object TypeFilter] mapped to [object MediatorMapping]
705 WARN Context-2-58 [object MediatorMap] [object TypeFilter] already mapped to [object MediatorMapping]
If you have overridden this mapping intentionally you can use "unmap()" prior to your replacement mapping in order to avoid seeing this message.
Error: [object TypeFilter] already mapped to [object MediatorMapping]
If you have overridden this mapping intentionally you can use "unmap()" prior to your replacement mapping in order to avoid seeing this message.
5 Posted by JeffW. on 23 Jul, 2013 01:47 PM
btw, I'm using a signal to execute the command in which the remapping takes place
Support Staff 6 Posted by creynders on 23 Jul, 2013 02:10 PM
Ah yes, of course, the VigilanceExtension translates logged warnings to errors. I.e. it's normal you got an error and I didn't.
I'll see if I can find the culprit.
Train rides are ideal for bug hunting IMO :)
7 Posted by JeffW. on 23 Jul, 2013 02:10 PM
Has it smt to do with this?
'The Vigilance Extension throws Errors when warnings are logged.'
8 Posted by JeffW. on 23 Jul, 2013 02:11 PM
Okay :)
Support Staff 9 Posted by creynders on 23 Jul, 2013 02:36 PM
LOL. The heat is affecting my brain, clearly. Of course it doesn't work, the unmapping should be:
10 Posted by JeffW. on 23 Jul, 2013 02:39 PM
aaah, a hot day indeed, thanks!!
Support Staff 11 Posted by creynders on 23 Jul, 2013 03:06 PM
Closing this up, to hide our ramblings ;)
creynders closed this discussion on 23 Jul, 2013 03:06 PM.