Issue With Multiple Modules Executing A Shared Command

vertigo.index's Avatar


28 Sep, 2011 01:58 AM

Hey everybody ,

Apologies ahead of time if this has been covered elsewhere but just wanted to put this out there in case anyone else runs into it.

My dev team and I ran into a tricky issue today that stumped us for quite some time. We have a fairly involved web app , the acts as a bootstrap , and loads modules. We are using RL , Signals , and a covariance utility. What we saw was this,

Bootstrap Loads Module 1.
Module 1 has a shared command mapped to in the bootstrap that gets executed , which is pulled of the loader property.
The shared command executes a uniquely referenced command from within the newly loaded module.
The unique command in each module is named the same thing for consistency.
Bootstrap Loads Module 2 , but when its same command gets executed its was executing module1's command.

The Command in question is unique to each module , so it seemed an impossibility that the first one executed again. However what was occuring , is that because we are using Maven Archetypes to create our projects , the top Level MXML file in both modules was called , Module.mxml.

This generally isnt a problem because of FQCN , however , in the case of the top level package , there is no unique path to differentiate one command from the other. So command map was executing the first , and always the first. I think because this check


was considering the second command to be the same as the first.

So the solution seems to be , if you are chaining commands , and sharing injectors across module , and if you call the command map directly to execute internal commands on that injector , make certain you give your top level , application class a unique name.

At any rate , i dont think it was any problem of RL , just perhaps an oversight on our part. Still time consuming. Hope this helps someone.


  1. Ondina D.F. closed this discussion on 12 Dec, 2011 12:17 PM.

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